Online Team Collaboration Tools

The software development life cycle is a process used by the software industry for planning, creating, testing, and deploying a software system. There are many software process models to do this task successfully. Waterfall Model, Prototyping Model, Evolutionary Model, Spiral Model, Formal Development, Incremental Development, Rapid Application Development, Unified Process, and Agile Process are some of them. Among these models mostly use Agile Process in nowadays. Because Agile software engineering combines principles and a set of development guidelines. This encourages customer satisfaction and early incremental delivery of software. Small and highly motivated software teams, informal methods, minimal software engineering work products, and overall development simplicity are some reason for the popularity of the Agile Process. The development guidelines help to activate continuous communication between developers and customers. Agile Process also has some methodologies. Agile Scrum Methodology, Lean Software Development, Kanban, Extreme Programming (XP), Crystal, Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM), Feature Driven Development (FDD) are some of the most widely used agile methodologies. Agile is one of the most popular and in-demand software development methodologies these days and there is some agile project management software that can be used in our project., Nifty, SpiraTeam, Jira, Active Collab, Confluence, and Trello are some of them. We look at Jira, Confluence, and Trello among them. 


Jira is a software developed by Australian Company Atlassian in 2002 that allows bug tracking and agile project management. This software’s name (Jira) is a truncation of Gojira, the Japanese word for world-famous monster animal Godzilla. The name originated from a nickname Atlassian Software Company used to refer to Bugzilla which was previously used internally for bug tracking of software products. According to the Atlassian Company, Jira is used for issue tracking and project management all over the world. About 75,000 customers in 122 countries use Jira for their project management. Some organizations have used Jira at some point in time for bug tracking and project management. 
Jira contains four packages. 

  • Jira Core: This is used as generic project management. 
  • Jira Software: This includes the base software including agile project management features. 
  • Jira Service Desk: This is used for use by IT or business service purposes. 
  • Jira Ops: This is used as incident management Jira is written in Java and it is a much-secured software. 

Jira is available free to open-source. Like projects meeting certain criteria, and to organizations that are non-academic, non-commercial, non-governmental, non-political, non-profit, etc. Jira is used in a variety of industries such as but not limited to professional services, healthcare, IT/technology, finance, and retail. Jira has gained a lot of famous among the agile development teams because of the ways it supports the agile project management methodology used for developing software. 

Why we should use Jira? 

  • Everything that you need to manage projects and teams. 
  • Fully customized to your needs. 
  • Countless add-ons to further enhance functionality. 
  • Features that make our life easy. 

Which Agile Methodology used in Jira? 

  • Jira Software is an agile project management tool. It supports any agile methodology like Scrum, Kanban, or your unique flavor. 

How does Jira work? 

The system administrator has access to an audit log, issue linking, and using mail-in Jira, creating watch lists, and issue collectors with the most power. The purpose of the management system is to help an individual or company manage projects. Also, it delegates tasks to others. A project in Jira is explained as a collection of issues that administered by schemes for the specific issue type such as a bug, a feature request, an enhancement, a new feature, or a sub-task. An issue type is essentially an item that can be created and tracked. The issue is displayed on the Jira’s screen. This is the place where the issue can be edited and viewed. Workflow mentions to the process and progress made on an issue and made visible on the software. Multiple workflows can be used for each issue type in Jira. Jira contains additional functions such as issue security schemes like setting permissions on who can see or access what and notifications. 


Confluence is a collaboration software program. It developed and published by an Australian Software Company named Atlassian in 2004. Confluence is written in Java. Confluence software is a collaboration tool built for storing, sharing, and working on stuff. In the present we have documents, meeting notes, designs, conversations and many more. We can capture project requirements, assign tasks to specific users not only that manage several calendars at once with the help of team calendars add on by using Confluence. They scattered all over the place which is hard to find and manage. Confluence helps us to organize everything correctly. It creates a space for teams to group all that stuff in one centralized place and create multiple spaces for each team in an organization. Confluence provides structure then everything is easy to find and easy to work on. Then move into the pages. Spaces contain pages. Create a page at any time and choose from several templates to get started faster. Ex: Capture meeting notes
or photos from a workshop, document project requirements, and house designs or record important decisions to refer back to later. Confluence provides a ton of templates so we can use it for just about anything. Use comments and at-mention in pages to work with other people on projects. Especially useful for remote teams. 

Advantages of Confluence:

  • Content management 
  • Search 
  • Confluence templates 
  • Integration with Jira 
  • Page and File versioning 
  • Feedback 
  • User management 
  • Add ons and plugins 


Trello is a web based Kanban style list-making software which is a subsidiary of Australian company Atlassian. Trello made by Fog Creek in 2011. It aimed at solving high-level planning issues. Trello is a collaboration tool. It organizes projects into boards. Trello can show what’s being worked on, who’s working on what, and where something is in a process. And a Trello board can be thought of as a portable bulletin board, filled with post it’s that include progress bars, attachments, and many more. Trello has over 80 integrations like Slack, GitHub, Google Drive, etc. Trello has over 30 million users worldwide like Google, Adobe, National Geographic, and many more because it’s simplicity. The most specific thing is Trello’s board & card system, separate projects are marked with boards, within which there is a card for every task. 

Main features:

  • Detailed and quick overviews of front or back cards. 
  • Easy drag and drop editing. 
  • In line editing.
  •  Easy organization with labeling, tags, and comments. 

Trello Benefits:

  • Well organized board and card system. 
  • Smooth editing.
  • Collaboration. 
  • Reasonable timeframes.
  • Searchable database.
  •  Security.
  • Integrations.
  • Mobile Optimization. 

Jira vs Trello 

  • Trello is simple and customizable for different teams to work on agile and observes the complete formulation of agile development. Jira is a project management tool. It is used for the perfect agile team building, fixing, and releasing software. It becomes very difficult to choose software between these two. The reason is both Jira vs Trello is very feasible products in its range. Jira focuses on software developers and software teams. Trello has a broader audience and offers any kind of project tracking.

Confluence vs Trello

  • Trello is focused on providing team project information quickly. It based on the common Kanban board style of project management. Trello uses cards to organize project components. Cards can hold all kinds of information to tasks, to images and files, to conversations. Trello deos not provide a specific format for projects. The many types of structure is great for teams. And they are looking for a custom workflow manager.
  • Confluence is focused on collaborative document creation such as Google's G Suite apps and Microsoft's Office 365. Confluence is designed to help teams to create documents together. Confluence has a proprietary interface. Confluence allows teams to work with files and to create documents using Confluence's editor. Confluence takes care of versioning. Then all revisions are saved and teams can go back and see previous versions. Workspaces in Confluence can be divided into departments or teams. Confluence can integrate with other tools like Jira. 

Jira vs Confluence 

  • Jira vs Confluence is two separate products from the Atlassian Company.
  • Jira is a fully customizable software for organizing teams around tasks and projects. Jira can all be set up by dependencies of the task, accessing resources, permissions, hierarchy, etc. Project managers and Agile leaders can then watch software statuses such as backlog planning, release planning, and overall progress. Business groups can also use the Jira framework. 
  • Confluence is a knowledge base software. It organizes and stores all of your information assets around the projects we are doing in Jira. Ex: product requirements or general things like meeting minutes, marketing assets, design documents, etc. Confluence can easily integrate with Jira. Then these assets become an integrated piece. Therefore teams can create, collaborate, and update on these assets effortlessly in a robust manner.


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