What is Lucid Dreaming?

Many people interested in dreams, they are dreaming and think about dreams. Today we look about dreams and how to control dreams.

Scientists did many kinds of research about dreams but they can't give a better explanation to this question yet: Why we are dreaming?. But they introduced some theories about dreaming. We collect many memories in the day time and these memories stored in a short time memory. When we fall into the sleep our subconscious mind converts these memories as long time memory. Our long time memory doesn't store memories like a hard drive. It stores these pieces of information like well organized, categorized manner and makes interconnections among them. Not only that if there is a memory that can't make interconnections and subconscious mind erases that memory from the brain.

 Our subconscious mind is a strange thing. Just think we are going to sleep now but this does not stop it's working. It is working always until we die. When we fall into the sleep our subconscious mind analyzes our memory and predict what can happen in the future by using our memories. Some scientists believe that when our subconscious mind analyzes the memories that can happen in the future these things see as a dream by us.
Some scientists say there is no special meaning of dreams and we see dreams because of the working of our subconscious mind it randomly generate some incidents. These incidents we see as a dream.

However, dreaming is a beautiful thing in our life. We can live for many years inside a dream. Also, we can feel many beautiful things. But actually, we can see a dream for a limited time. There are three stages in our sleep such as light sleep, deep sleep, and rem sleep. We see dreams only in the rem sleep. REM sleep means rapid eye movement sleep. If we open an eye of a person who is in the rem sleep we can see the moving of his eye because he is dreaming and there are many visual processings done inside of his brain.

Many people believe that when we are in a dream we can't control it by our self. But if you well train you can easily get control of the dream when you are in a dream. This is called Lucid Dreaming. If you are want to be a lucid dreamer your first thing is to use a dream journal. When you wake up you can't remember the dream you saw in a few moments. Before that, you can write your dream in this dream journal. It is an easy thing. You can keep a pen and a book near your bed and write a dream when you wake up. Then you can remember that dream forever. When you do this work continuously you feel you are a dreamer. And you can see common patterns, equalities and special things about your dreams.

When we are in a dream we can't understand that we are in a dream. Because of the dream is a very real thing. So you need some kind of method to know you are inside a dream. It is called a reality check. If you want to do a reality check you have to do it at the same time every day. Then it will be a habit and stored in your subconscious mind. Then you feel you have to do a reality check and automatically do it when you are inside of a dream. You can use some tricks for these things.
1) Try to breathe with closing your nose and mouth. If you are in a dream you can feel it is not very difficult. But in reality, it is a difficult thing.
2) Try to read small words in a printed paper. If you are in a dream you feel these words have blurred and grinding. But in reality, it is not a difficult task.
3) See your fingers in the leg and hand. If you are in a dream you can't see them clearly. You can see a doubled hand. But in reality, it is not a difficult task.

Finally, you have to make a target before going to sleep such that you see a lucid dream today. when you see a dream you do a reality check. Then you realize that you are in a lucid dream. Then you can get control of the dream to your hand. You can walk as your choice, you can fly, dive into the deep water not only that you can change the environment of your dream as your wish.

The most important thing is to go to a lucid dream is you have to go to a rem sleep. You have to sleep at least six hours. And drink water well, take foods that contain vitamin B. It increases the working of your brain. If you can start the meditation. These things take you to a rem sleep fast way. If you see the Inception movie it tells about a shared lucid dream using a technical method. But anyone can't make the technology like that yet. Going into a lucid dream is not easy. You have to practice days, weeks, months and a long time. But if you go into a lucid dream it will be an amazing experience for you.


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