Is 5G dangerous for Humans?

5G all the rage right now but some people are worried that it could make them sick so I have decided to do a deep dive on this new technology and find out how it affects the human body. Are you sick of slow mobile data speeds? Do you hate waiting for video streaming services to load? Is the Second Life you built-in virtual reality to escape the crushing existence of the real world constantly disappointing you, then if we got the gift for you introducing 5G. 5G is the next-generation technology for mobile networks and the evolution of 3G and 4G promises lightning-fast speeds lower latency and increased network connections. Alright so 5g sure sounds like a promising new technology but some are concerned it may have adverse health effects in November 2018 a social media post went viral and suggested that in the Netherlands 300 birds have died due to 5g testing. Forums are awash with activists suggesting that the dangers of cellphone radiation are being suppressed. So doe...