
Showing posts from July, 2020

The Implementation Method of Java

Java is a set of computer software and specifications. It provides a system for developing application software in the computing environment. Java initially released in 1966. Java was developed in Sun Microsystems. The first application of Java is called Star Seven. In the present Java becomes more popular than C and C++. The main reason for that is Java is not platform dependent. Imagine C/C++ code written in Windows. That code can’t compile in Linux server. This is platform dependency. This report based on the implementation method of Java.  The computer can understand some instructions. These instructions are in 1s and 0s. These are called machine instructions. Therefore translation from source code to machine code is done by the compiler. The compiler checks the syntax in our code, optimize our code, and generate the machine code. In compile language machine code is first generated. And then machine code is executed by the CPU. But the interpreter executes the code line by line...

What Is A Gamma Ray Burst?

Imagine if you could gather the energy from every star within a hundred million light-years. From thousands of galaxies, each with billions of stars. Imagine, you could take this kind of power, and use it to fire the biggest super-weapon in the universe. Imagine the damage you could do. It turns out, you don't need to imagine it. These exist, and they're called gamma-ray bursts. But what are these cosmic snipers? And what happens if one takes a shot at Earth? To understand gamma-ray bursts, we first have to understand gamma rays. Gamma rays are electromagnetic radiation – waves that carry energy just like visible light. Visible light is a tiny part of the electromagnetic spectrum: it's the part your eyes can see. At lower energies, there are radio waves, microwaves, and infrared. And at higher energies: ultraviolet, x-rays, and gamma rays. Gamma rays are incredibly powerful. A single gamma-ray photon is more energetic than a million visible photons...