Library Problem

A giant library has just been inaugurated this week. It can be modeled as a sequence of N consecutive shelves with each shelf having some number of books. No, think of the following two queries which can be performed on these shelves. ● Change the number of books in one of the shelves. ● Obtain the number of books on the shelf having the kth rank within the range of shelves. A shelf is said to have the kth rank if its position is k when the shelves are sorted based on the number of the books they contain, in ascending order. Can you write a program to simulate the above queries? Input Format : The first line contains a single integer T, denoting the number of test cases. The first line of each test case contains an integer N denoting the number of shelves in the library. The next line contains N space separated integers where the ith integer represents the number of books on the ith shelf where 1<=i<=N. The next line contains an integer Q denoting the number of queries to ...